Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital-(Service) Transformation ITS

Digital (Service) Transformation

Digital transformation is one of the great challenges involving organizations, businesses and consumers, PA and related entities are no exception. We will recount the co-design journey undertaken with the Accredita team.

Accredia is the body appointed by the Italian government to certify the competence, independence and impartiality of agencies and laboratories that verify the conformity of goods and services to standards. In 2016, we won – through a competitive bidding process – the contract to accompany Accredia in redesigning their online presence to lay the foundations of an evolutionary and effective technological structure for the public and the their staff.


2016 — 2022


Change Management

User Research

Co-design & Service Design

User Experience Design

Design System


Designing services and managing change.

How can we address the digital transformation of the institution by designing a new system of people-centered service touchpoints and processes made easier by technology?

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


A new digital product.

We created a new portal and Design System built on the needs of users.
We accompanied the client in change management related to digital transformation, so much so that our collaboration has lasted until today evolving not only individual digital touchpoints, but also rethinking and improving internal processes.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


From traffic analysis to User Journey.

We started with traffic analysis of the current site (GA4), which provided us with very useful data to understand the user journey on the previous platform. One interesting finding that emerged related to the location of two call-to-actions: Documents and Databases. Search intent was then investigated, trying to match keywords with site content.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


a new user experience.

We structured a co-design process by involving stakeholders and people from all levels and departments of the institution to investigate communication, logistical and operational needs.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


Discovery Workshop.

Following the analysis work were the different activities of the Discovery Workshop: inclusive and participatory Co-Design techniques and methodologies to understand the context and realize compatible and satisfactory solutions for the end users.
In this case, two Discovery Workshops were held in two different cities, where we carried out the same activities to give consistency in the results.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


Information Architecture.

From qualitative interviews with key users and stakeholders with which the institution interacts, we gathered several insights for the creation of Personas and User Stories.

Following the guidelines produced and after a Content Inventory phase, we designed the Information Architecture: defined the different types of content needed with related fields, characteristics (Custom Field) and taxonomies (Taxonomy), the site map with menus to be used in each section.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


Atomic Design.

The Design System developed started from the basic elements of the User Interface (UI), consistent with the Brand manual-appropriately adapted for Digital applications.

We then went on to create harmoniously composed molecules of elements (Widgets) that could function visually, to create whole pages that fulfilled communication needs, respected the prioritization of information, and helped people find the information they were seeking for.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


Wordpress Glitch.

The styleguide becomes a real Theme for the WordPress CMS, thanks to our basic Glitch theme.
This allows for great flexibility and modularity, as all pages can be composed from the various widgets already prepared. The widgets allow the editor to insert only the necessary information without the risk of breaking the design.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation


Digital transformation, done right.

In the research activities conducted for the creation of the portal and the creation of the restricted area, a workflow related to the restricted area emerged that was very taxing for those who were operating.

A whole month of a person’s time was tied up in this activity. By analyzing the way work was organized before the tool was used, we found an opportunity to transform.

Caffeina ACCREDIA Digital (Service) Transformation
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