Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform

Digital Experience Platform

We have created a new portal for AIRC with the aim of simplifying access to content and increasing donations. Improving user experience and navigation by creating a centralized platform and a single CMS to distribute content across all AIRC sites.

AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) is the main Italian non-profit organization that finances cancer research. Founded in 1965, AIRC works to develop scientific research, increase public awareness of cancer and promote prevention and early diagnosis of the disease. AIRC supports over 700 research projects across Italy and collaborates with hundreds of cancer researchers and specialists around the world.



What we did



Re-designing AIRC’s digital presence.

In 2018, AIRC asked for Caffeina’s support to create a new portal, which would streamline the content in an easier and simpler way. The goal was to make digital the main source for donations.

The digital word is overwhelmed by multiple small-websites, all linked to the parent one that are, however, missing graphic coherence and information rationalisation. Thus, we were challenged to rearrange content, align the usage experience and increase performance of browsing.

Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform
Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform


A Digital Hub at the heart of AIRC initiatives.

By relying on the skills of our Digital Product team, we have built a new technological platform, a key point of AIRC’ s initiative and data.

We simplified the content distribution on every website around AIRC thanks to a single CMS tool, assuring a centralized management system.

The updated eCommerce and the payment system in line with the modern standard enabled a donation funnel, which led to their increased donations.

Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform
Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform


A Design System as the key element of planning.

In order to align the design of each of AIRC’s small-websites, we created a Design System with various rules that help to build a uniform language.

The outcome is a no stop user experience, which gives a sense of singular content regardless of being on different websites.

Over time, the Design System application enables coherence to be maintained across the association’s digital asset.

Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform
Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform


A ever-growing platform.

Creating a Digital-Hub meant building modular software architecture. It consists on a central platform linked to various software components with each of them potentially connected with specific AIRC requests.

Hence, it was possible to create new digital space as the School Portal, implemented in 2020, aimed to increase awareness of cancer prevention and treatment in schools. The portal offers educational material, workshops with field experts and other activities for students and teachers.

Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform
Caffeina AIRC Digital Experience Platform


Increase main qualitative digital indicators and turn the portal into an effective fund-raising tool.

Online donations
Page views
Average time on page
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