Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI

The Future of Smartworking

Together with eFM we evolved and re-designed a virtual assistant for workstation matching, employee engagement and remote-working management. In the beginning, the application seemed too far away from the users’ real needs and the interface was obsolete and not usable and it obstructed the core activities of the service itself.

eFM is involved in workspace evolution, facility management and innovation in the eal estate market. The declared objective is to create spaces where people can give the best of themselves not only when talking about performance, but also as a natural consequence of a condition of wellbeing and satisfaction.
Since 2000 an focus on the digitalization of buildings and big firms has been introduced to optimise and give value to their places and create what eFM calls “Engaging places”.




User Research

Service Design

User Experience Design

Design System


A design system future-proof.

What are the behaviours and emerging needs related to remote working and the management of the co-working spaces? What are the processes that can be digitally eased by a virtual assistant?

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


An app with a scalable design system.

We designed a User Experience and an interaction model for the new app named MySpot and developed and documented a Design System scalable on actual and future service touchpoints.

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


From research to interaction model.

We conveyed the research through surveys, interviews and observations in co-design contexts and sessions on the behaviours of various workspaces to map pain points, needs and opportunity areas to delineate the product innovation area.

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


Renew UX and Design System.

Working smartly in cross-functional teams and adopting a user-centred workflow, after the first phase of qualitative User Research – conducted to understand which were the core passage that a digital nomad had to follow to reserve a remote-working place, we designed the User experience, opting for the creation of a design system for the app and its endless variations, allowing a better consistency and coherency for its future.

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


Gestures & Empty State.

The gestures ease our life and they’ve slowly entered our way of using any mobile app. We advise against its abuse and we need to use them always within the limits of “standard” usage.

That’s why we decided to use them: it’s easier to limit a familiar behaviour than teach a completely new one.

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


Conversation design.

Chatbots have become popular.

Following the recent trends, we chose to use the bot only in the “guided” mode, without open answers, but only with already planned ones. By doing so we limited the users’ freedom but offered them an always correct answer coherent to what he searched for.


One Finger Use, ergonomics and achievability.

For the core screens, we chose to position the interaction elements in the thumb usage area, so that the majority of functions can be easily completed with a single finger, in any situation.

Caffeina eFM The Future of Smartworking AI


Easiness and documentation.

We focused on reducing the frictions and made the interactions with MySpot as clear as possible with respect to the initial task.

We released a detailed style guide for developers, with indications on single elements and coding documentations.

Are you in for a new impactful experience?