We create content that is valuable to brands and relevant to people, regardless of the medium or format.

Why you should choose us

For a brand, the game of credibility – and consequently the bond with the consumer – is also and above all played on the level of content, which must be relevant, interesting and native.

This is why we have built a very transversal working group, bringing together figures such as copywriters, motionographers, editors, directors, producers, illustrators and prompt designers, capable through the alchemy of their skills to create the right content for each objective and target.

Our methodology
1. Homeworks

We do our homework: study the brief, the client, their needs and goals.

2. Brainwave

We devise the most correct strategy and creative idea with respect to the context and available budget.

3. Get Hands Dirty

We get our hands dirty, producing all the content pieces needed for project development.

4. Do The Math

We analyze what has been processed to highlight strengths and areas of improvement, for a continuous optimization.

Creating content that conveys value, supports the business, entertains and excites: this is our mission. Whatever brief, goal, or touchpoint we have at hand.


Don’t call it a ‘production house’. Caffeina Studios is a multidisciplinary team, combining creative skills with production awareness, to guarantee the best possible result, in the most sustainable way.

From small ongoing productions for social editorial plans, TikTok and Live Coverage, to large productions for TV, including photo shoots, still life, portraits and set shots, we are able to field all the professionals needed to complete the job in the best possible way.

Together with Frecciarossa, for example, we identified an emotional language, through an original video on the notes of Coez, that would allow us to memorably convey the advantageous travel fares dedicated to young people.

Caffeina Content Factory Studios

Specialised in delivering creative that generates results for our clients’ business, the Performance team works in tandem with the Media team, creating the Creative Performance Hub, an integrated entity that analyses the performance data of each creative in order to maximise results and optimise ADV spending.

We deal with Social & Digital Advertising, Marketing Automation, Precision Marketing and Performance Design.

We did this with AS Roma, for whom we handle the management of Online Ticketing campaigns, focusing on sales, CPA optimisation and ROI maximisation.

Caffeina Content Factory Performance

A real editorial team, made up of writers and content designers who deal with editorial projects, such as web magazines, articles and long-forms, seo copywriting, and the conception and writing of podcasts.
We specialise in corporate content – especially on LinkedIn, but not only – and in personal & employer branding, taking care of the C-Level editorial strategy of some of the most important Italian companies.

For Carrefour, for instance, we have edited the conception and realisation of the contents of the online magazine Vivi di Gusto, articles, podcasts and videos, useful to tell the values of the company and its products.

Caffeina Content Factory Editorial

Community management for us is not just a series of comments to which we respond. It is often in fact the first and most direct point of contact between consumer and brand, which is why we consider it a key asset to sustain the tone of voice of the brand and increase the level of engagement.

But we also know how to manage any problematic situations, devising crisis management strategies and providing qualitative and quantitative reporting to constantly monitor user sentiment.

Caffeina Content Factory Community
Very happy clients
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The content factory team

Nicola Guarino leads the team that creates content that is valuable to brands and relevant to people.

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Head of Content
Nicola Guarino
Projects we are proud of

Projects that convey value, support business, entertain and excite.

What valuable content can we create together?