Caffeina Human Centered

Human-Centered ITS

Sharelock, an innovative cybersecurity start-up, asked us to co-design a user experience able to lower the complexity of a tool based on Machine Learning and AI algorithms.

In technology and more specifically in cybersecurity, a correct design of the iteration experience is essential to ease the use and development of users’ specific tasks with an advanced level of technological literacy rate. Sharelock is revolutionizing the activity of cyber threats findings based on a behavioural analysis of machines and users who operate in a network thanks to a human-centred product, tested and improved with people.




User Research

Design Sprint

Identity Design

Design System

Product Experience Design

Development Hand-off


Design a fluid and human-centred experience.

How can we design and adapct a cybersecurity product for users, roles and specific contexts to ease its use and the comprehension of its most relevant info to manage the vulnerability of complex system?

Caffeina Human Centered


Lean product development.

In a continuous improvement journey planned at Design Sprint, iterations of the digital product that have been validated and tested with stakeholders, have been launched on the market regularly.

Caffeina Human Centered


Research and co-design.

We imagined a continuous journey of research and discussion with stakeholders, users and business experts to co-design and finalise the users’ flows and intuitive and highly usable interfaces.

Caffeina Human Centered


One only purpose, security.

Starting with usability testing on the existing platform with the people recipient of the product, we understood their difficulties and objectives towards the use of one platform for enterprise-level security.
These insights have guided building product personas, user stories and planning of design sprint that led us to re-design the tool. Thanks to its validation, we then saw 100% of successful tasks by people.

Caffeina Human Centered
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