Just one moment is needed!
Since 1988 Columbus Assicurazioni has been safeguardind millions of travelers with its policies. For over thirty years it has been one of the best international known brands in the sector, operating in over 50 countries.
But the last few years with the advent of online bookings and holidays do-it-yourself, people have moved away from the real need to take out travel insurance before leaving. This is why the campaign had to remind everyone, the importance of being safe from damage and unforeseen events, even when away from home.
No bad memories during holidays.
In the production of the video campaign, we analyzed the travel episodes we have all experienced. Finding a precise insight: when an unforeseen event, a problem or a misunderstanding occurs, the meaning of our journey totally changes, transforming itself from positive to negative.
It takes very little to ruin the outcome of an holiday, nothing extraordinary. Just one moment.
Just one moment can ruin a whole trip.
We made a movie using slow-motion to emphasize the exact moment when the journey is about to change its meaning. Thanks to Columbus Assicurazioni’s data and internal research, we chose three subjects that compose the campaign, as a way to reflect the three major reasons why people require travel insurance in Italy: food poisoning, lost luggage and last minute illnesses. Choosing Mozart’s “Dies Irae” as the soundtrack finally allowed us to further accentuate the drama of the moment that our unfortunate protagonists are experiencing.
We saw powerful results, and we want On Air in Italy’s cinemas.